B+W Mono
These are monochromatic styles that produce neutral grayscale images… in other words “black and white”. Some are inspired by my experience with specific films while others are inspired by the black and white work of some of our clients. Most contain several different adjustments in addition to the obvious conversion to black and white. My favorite two are “Bathroom Sink” and “Tidal Wave”. The former riffs on my experiences developing black and white in the dorm sink during college; intense grain, contrasty, and uneven development. The latter leverages the concept of color contrast under the hood to increase local contrast in images that have several dominate colors.
B+W Toned
These styles leverage the split toning engine of Capture One to provide unique looks. Because split toning can often be a bit much, we’ve provided a subtle, normal, and contrasty version of each. This is one of the easiest set of styles to make your own. After applying the style, open the Split Tones pane of the Black and White tool and play with the hue and intensity of the colors we’ve selected for that style’s duotone; the other adjustments (curves, black and white conversion matrix, sharpening, grain etc) will come along for the ride. My favorite is TinType Alt. It provides a warm tint, but more importantly raises the black point (floor) slightly, with a novel approach to break that floor on certain tones to create a slight posterization in the shadows similar to the glared effect that can pop up in deep blacks on a tintype. It also drops the red tonal response to reproduce the modestly tanned look that tintypes rendered on skin tone.
Tintype Alt